递归删除CodeIgniter FTP类中的文件夹

Recursively deleting folder in CodeIgniter FTP Class

我使用的是CI FTP类,函数为delete_dir,它应该删除文件夹及其所有部分,但是,如果文件夹中有文件,它不会删除文件夹并输出错误。


function delete_dir($filepath)
    if ( ! $this->_is_conn())
        return FALSE;
    // Add a trailing slash to the file path if needed
    $filepath = preg_replace("/(.+?)'/*$/", "''1/",  $filepath);
    $list = $this->list_files($filepath);
    if ($list !== FALSE AND count($list) > 0)
        foreach ($list as $item)
            // If we can't delete the item it's probaly a folder so
            // we'll recursively call delete_dir()
            if ( ! @ftp_delete($this->conn_id, $item))




function delete_dir($filepath)
    if ( ! $this->_is_conn())
        return FALSE;
    // Add a trailing slash to the file path if needed
    $filepath = preg_replace("/(.+?)'/*$/", "''1/",  $filepath);
    $list = $this->list_files($filepath);
    if ($list !== FALSE AND count($list) > 0)
        foreach ($list as $item)
            // If we can't delete the item it's probaly a folder so
            // we'll recursively call delete_dir()
            if ( ! @ftp_delete($this->conn_id, $filepath.$item))
    $result = @ftp_rmdir($this->conn_id, $filepath);
    if ($result === FALSE)
        if ($this->debug == TRUE)
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;