
loop over items in an array and spread them in one line in php


// an array of some unknown items from the database
$array = ['item1','item2','item3'];
// i think it should be done with For loop but not sure how, so anyhow
// the loop should repeat (name contains '$item' and) for each item of the $array and put them in a query like below
foreach ($array as $item) {
    $query = [
        'q' => "name contains '$item1' and name contains '$item2' and name contains '$etc...'"


// an array of some unknown items from the database
$array = ['item1','item2','item3'];
$q = array();
foreach ($array as $item) {
    $q[]  = "name contains '$item'";
$query['q'] = implode(' and ', $q);


$array = ['item1','item2','item3'];
// init $query as array
$query = [];
// init $query 'q' index as empty string
$query['q'] = '';
// then loop the array of items, and concat what you need    
foreach ($array as $item)
    $query['q'] .= " name contains '$item' and";
// remove whitespaces from start and end of the string
$query['q'] = trim($query['q']);
// remove the ' and' from the end of the string (0 = start of string, -4 = 4 before the end of the string)
$query['q'] = substr($query['q'], 0, -4);

这将返回:name contains 'item1' and name contains 'item2' and name contains 'item3'



$query['q'] = "name contains " . implode(" and name contains ", $array);
