
how to add a script after showing 10 videos in a php loop


     This may contain the code of chitika code. 


 <section class="videos">
     <?php while ($res=$stmt_today->fetch()) { ?>
             <?php if ($res === NULL) { ?>
                  <section class="box">
                     <a href="" class="video-box">
                         <img src="" width="190" height="90" alt="">
                     <strong class="title"><a href="">Coming Soon</a></strong>
             <?php } else {
                     $immg = basename($images);
                     $imagee = "img"."/".$immg; ?>
                     <section class="box" style="width:100%; padding-top:2px;">
                     <?php if($images!=''){?>
                     <a href="video.php?vid=<?php echo $video_id ?>" class="video-box">
                     <img src="<?php echo $imagee; ?>" width="190" height="90" alt="">
                     <?php } else {?>            
                             <a style="margin-left:5px;"href="video.php?vid=<?php echo $video_id ?>" class="video-box">
                             <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/<?php echo $video_thumbnail; ?>/mqdefault.jpg" width="190" height="90" alt="">
                           <?php } ?>
                   </section> <hr>
            <?php } ?>
     <?php } ?>




确保当你首先定义计数器($i = 1)时,它是在while循环开始之前。

    $i = 1;
    while ($i <= 12) { 
        echo "record $i<br/>";
        if ($i == 10) {
            echo "10 records reached<br/>";


<section class="videos">
    <?php $i = 1; // This is where the counter is defined ?>
    <?php while ($res=$stmt_today->fetch()) { ?>
        <?php if ($res === NULL) { ?>
            <section class="box">
                <a href="" class="video-box">
                    <img src="" width="190" height="90" alt="">
                <strong class="title"><a href="">Coming Soon</a></strong>
        <?php } else {
            $immg = basename($images);
            $imagee = "img"."/".$immg; ?>
            <section class="box" style="width:100%; padding-top:2px;">
                <?php if($images!=''){?>
                    <a href="video.php?vid=<?php echo $video_id ?>" class="video-box">
                        <img src="<?php echo $imagee; ?>" width="190" height="90" alt="">
                    <?php } else {?>            
                        <a style="margin-left:5px;"href="video.php?vid=<?php echo $video_id ?>" class="video-box">
                        <img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/<?php echo $video_thumbnail; ?>/mqdefault.jpg" width="190" height="90" alt="">
                <?php } ?>
        <?php } ?>
        <?php if ($i == 10) { // This is the new condition ?>
                This may contain the code of chitika code. 
        <?php } // condition ends here ?>
        <?php $i++ // increment the counter ?>
    <?php } ?>

如果你不想在计数中包含空值(你的"即将到来"视频),你可以简单地将计数器增量$i++向上移动到你的条件的else { ... }部分。

<?php if (res === NULL) {
} else {
} ?>